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Bencubbin is a rural town situated in the North Eastern Wheatbelt of Western Australia. It is situated 275 Kms north-east of Perth. The area was initially opened up by sheep grazing and sandalwooders. The area was mainly opened for agricultural selection in 1910.
The townsite of Bencubbin was gazetted in 1917. The railway came through and the Mt Marshall Ward of the Ninghan Road Board was also established in 1917.
In 1923 the Mt Marshall Road Board was established with it's base in Bencubbin.
The main industry was agriculture. This involved cereal crops and livestock enterprises. Legumes came into favour later.
Bencubbin is a semi regional hub for five other towns.
The Coordinates are: 30 degrees 48' 40" South: 117 degrees 51' 43 " East.
The website is the flow on of the Community Builders Initiative. This was part of the Progress Rural WA, an initiative of the then Minister of Primary Industries, Fisheries Monty House MLA in the late 1990s.
The programme was over a six months timescale. Two people from each town participated. It was organised in "Clusters". The cluster here was the North Eastern Wheatbelt Cluster, facilitated by Nola Comerford. Participants would spend a day in each of the towns involved. They would drive around the town and the facilities. After this discussion would take place on various aspects of the town and how they might be improved.